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Monday, March 3, 2008

Website Combination

So again I always love to surf the internet and…. Wait that's not how this story starts. Ok so I downloaded FLYFF and after the installation it told me to downloaded xfire. I was confused cause I never heard of that and well they didn't explain it to me. Well I downloaded xfire anyway and boy was I in for a surprise. I figured it had everything we needed for in game chat and also it had almost all the essentials on its website. So now let me introduce the new combination website. The website is called this website will be where all info for anything besides reviews and news is. The new logo premiering sometime soon will be on that website. All applications will have to be there and I'll be looking at the stuff there almost every day. This website will also be for videogame gatherings and almost everything that goes along with games. Another website that's easier to get in will be up soon.





6 Days till Brawl!!!

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