Monday, February 25, 2008
Upshift Strike Racer Video Review
Youtube Version
Google Video Version
Online Videos by
Veoh Version
(no blogger version this time because of it's slow upload times)
Upshift Strike Racer Notes
Graphics- The graphics are nice for the game very detailed though I felt like there was a death feeling by the game. The pictures are very dead looking and the enchanced one is a bit more feeling. This is my own feeling but it feels like the whole world is dead or destroyed except for a couple of stuff. It felt like the exact opposite of the description unless my computer is covered with a couple layers of dirt (which it's not!) this has a dessert or death like game. Well I guess it's a shooter game so I guess that's ok? Though I mean the graphics on the outside are real good I liked them a but when you looked inside the car you see nothing but the outside in the inside. The inside that you don't want to see. I guess they didn't care. If you have some thing else they did tell me.
Update: I played other stages and had to say they still seemed lonely and depressing but they also had been a bit more visually appealing.
Update2: I played lots more stages and well I have to say the death feeling that I saw before was not as bad as I expected. I kind of felt a bit more happiness than usuall with this game and realized the graphics are awesome and the not all stages will kill you.
Sound- Everything fit itself real well I guess? I mean I thought it felt a bit rusty. I mean rusty type of music the one you see in killer things. I don't know why maybe the felt like it but I guess it works with the music but isn't different in all the ways you would expect. I mean there are few tracks and they don't get your attention so the music is their to bee there no other reason though I don't think it serves the game what it deserves… well actually it does.
Game play- You get 3 modes all revolving around racing. One with items and shooting one without and a time trial. They all did not capture my attention in any way. I tried to keep on playing but the maximum I spent playing this game was 2 hours at MOST. In strike racing all you do is fight while racing. This isn't like Mario Kart (a game I love) where you are a bit more skillful. This is pretty much just last second survival. An all out battle of life and death. Like a said before it's what I call rusty where everything looks like death and you don't want to be there. I really felt like everything was going to kill me like that movie saw. ( I guess, I never saw it before). Anyway there is a shop but a horrible shop I didn't think it felt right I didn't buy anything at all. The community for the game is like a village.
Lasting Appeal- The game is hard to stay with. I mean real hard to stay with because of it's depth. There is so little depth into this game so you can't stay with it. All you could do is race and shoot and that was it. The game can't really get any shallower. I mean it really was hard to keep focus in the game I got tired of it as soon as I started playing it.
Fun- The game is not as fun as expected so that kind of sucks also not a lot of modes and as I said before they are death looks in the game. I hate the look of some of it but that's just me but I wouldn't want to play the game because of it's death like feel
Downloadability- The game is hard to find on the internet thought you did have other modes to help you with that. Not a lot helped but Rapplez did always advertise the itself a lot so since that game is part of the same company you should easily find it.
Upshift Strike Racer Review
Sorry about not posting anything I had left four 3 days and now I'll post everything at once because everything was completly done!
Upshift Strike Racer Review
A new company to medal with and it's my favorite genre too: racing! So first impressions are this: The company has made 6 turning into 5 games (don't ask why decreasing). The people can be easily amused. I think the company is called Gpotato (a weird name) and even though the name is weird let's hope that the game is better.
I feel dead when I saw that picture. The one I showed you all a couple days ago. I went back and visually enhanced all the photos so everything did not feel like there was a layer of dirt covering the screen. So just as a side note every picture will be visually enhanced so I don't feel like death is crawling on me but you will see that the video review will have the death like town feeling.
Back to the game the graphics overall were amazing, everything on the outside I mean well designed and everything felt realistic I really did like the graphics they put into this game was amazing and hard working. Again like I said and will continue to say is that since there is no base in free games I'll base it on how varied it is. On that note I'll tell you this not a lot is varied so I didn't see a difference in the appearance of the car especially when you looked inside the car there was no inside! I'm serious there wasn't anything! This is what I call careless and stupid. I guess these guys saw the mistake and tinted the glasses for all the stages except one that you will see here and the main menu. Though anyway there weren't a lot of changes on the same vehicle. Though you had many different vehicles to choose from. I mean like a real good amount that ranged extremely. The problem was the cost of the vehicle was outrageous so you didn't see lots of different cars. The stages actually were different even though they had the dirt feel to almost all of the stages. Though I did see a difference from all stages which kind of made up for the empty vehicle. Overall graphics in the game were awesome and I totally would recommend it if it were only based on graphics.

Just wanted to show you the preloader How could you mess up like that
I didn't hear that much difference in sound in this game at all. The sound either was rusty metal rock music or something but surprisingly it fit into the game's tone. The sound didn't do much and neither did the sound effects of the game. The shooting was there and if felt like shooting and so did the explosions but it didn't flow with the game. There was a difference of music which was nice but again I either felt like I was going to die or I was in the middle of a hard metal rock concert. There wasn't anything else to say about the music except that it just didn't feel at right.
There is not a lot to talk about when it comes boiling down to gameplay this game only had 3 actual modes followed by a garage and a shop. First came Strike Racing. This is the one where you have weapons and items to blow up other cars. This is the one most of the community plays with. Basically you are racing while shooting. You get 3 weapons at the very beginning and just wait until you can shoot everything down. This is moderately fun at the beginning but it quickly gets boring and I couldn't stand it. The destructiveness is pretty good for the game seeing everything that is lying down can get hit but either way there wasn't much to do besides race and shoot. Before I forget let me tell you something. The community is small and unfriendly. I don't know why this is happening but I mean when you try to chat no one responds to your comments I mean nothing at all! Let me give you the 5 words I saw on the chat: Everybody get ready or starting soon. Now most games can be 10x better when you have a friend playing with you. In this game everybody has the I work alone type of feeling.
Anyway the next mode is racing. So think about this racing and racers. That's it! I mean you get the same stages and everything just without the weapons. There isn't much to do in this mode at all and no one seems interested since almost no one races in this mode. So this mode really never gets any attention except for the few people who set up rooms as you will see in my video review.
The next mode is time trial that mode though I call it practice mode if you are under a level 4. See you have to donate 50 rep points to this big pool so someone can win it all at the very end of the month, but this only will happen when you are a level five and above. The time trial mode is a practice mode for people who need to work on their skills. The mode is good and one of the best because of the things you can do in that mode is just practice you're racing skills. Let me tell you one thing since this is a small community people will mostly have a higher level then you and will be able to kick you buts immediately.
There was a shop and garage mode in the game but I just don't want to talk about it there wasn't a lot you could do, but I'll put that in the video review.
Hitting cars is fun! The stupid glitch :(
Lasting Appeal
The game was real shallow. The depth of a game is usually what lets me play a game. This game had no depth no unlockables and no motivation. I mean whenever I played the game I was forced to continue only for the review. The game was real boring especially with the few people who play the game and even though the graphics are awesome for that I didn't feel like playing the game because of its shallowness.
The game was ok to play with its overall fighting and attacking. Though I did feel a layer of dirt was on the screen whenever I played so it always looked rough and rugged so it was hard to play. Everything in the game felt lacking in almost every way. The final product was mediocre at best so in all the game isn't recommended for anyone.
I found this game and company through an ad on Newgrounds. The game is hard to find because I could never find an ad again but they always seemed to be advertising Rapplez another game of theirs. There really isn't much to say but you will have to find it by clicking on links from other games. Overall you can't find it unless you look somewhere else.
Graphics: 9.5
Sound: 6.7
Gameplay: 3.5
Lasting Appeal: 2.5
Fun: 4.0
Downloadabillity: 7.0
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Audition notes.
This is what I do to make my video review I put it on Microsoft One Note and stuff so I decided to show you the notes I took.
Done with Audition!!!!
Graphics- The graphics for the game is ok but what surprises me is the amount of things you could get for free. I loved the setting of the place an how different your character could be and how different everything could be. Many stages and the city is very awesome looking (I think it got a makeover while I was gone)
Sound- There is lots of stereo and the music ranges from everywhere (some bad) I personally thing that the music can be very nice. I think that the music just keeps expanding so you are bound to find something you like. The beat to the music is good so it can stay in sync but the only problem is lag can make you loose some points
Game play- I played a couple of modes (seeing how there was about 9) I checked and some of the were pretty good. I loved playing beat up (a carnation of DDR) and normal was good too. Beat up made you use the number pad and hit a button corresponding with where it was. Normal was the basic used in almost all modes. You press the arrows in order then press spacebar when in the white area. The one I hated was the one two mode. You followed a NPC (Non playable character) and when it was your turn you figured out how to do the same beat.
Lasting Appeal- The game is fun and does steal your interest for a while. I love playing it when a friend I met online is there. The best part of this is that the shop does not make you have to waste your money buying a game card but instead you can buy with beats. Or like currency in a shop that is accessible easily. Though like other games you may need to have some devotion to play these games.
Fun- The modes the friends, the games, the varieness, all of these thing came into play and this is why I loved this game.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Audition Video Review!!!
Youtube Version
Google Video version
Veoh Version
Online Videos by
there we go also my voice does not sound like that
and my brother did not do Audition for Dummies thing
Friday, February 1, 2008
Audition Review
I know I was supposed to give you a review on wed but well I had troubles getting everything ready. I also had a problem posting the pictures on wedendsday and finally figured it out today so now I’ll be able to post using Microsoft word.
Graphics for a game can be hard to judge and since there is no real basis I judge by the difference of the game. Well this game excels in difference. I saw customization that people have not even used. The stages look real nice compared to other 3d dance games (I’m talking about DDR) I have seen in the past.

Well as you can see it’s worked out perfectly in this picture I mean look at those stages! I loved all of the game I think that it deserves an A+ in the Graphics.
Sound usually plays a major role in dancing games. Well this has some nice music. What I liked was that the music was from a lot of genres and the music was modern which made me much happier. Of course you will see in the video review that the music is very good. Lots and lots of music are played from artist of any sort. One problem is the lag in the game which I faced multiple times. That is the problem because all sound quits and you miss beats. This is never a good thing. Though the sound itself is amazing and it is able to update music which again is an awesome thing.
Game play
There were soooooooooooooooooooooooooo many modes. I mean I could not tell you the modes that were in there. I may not have even seen all of them! Since that is a possibility I decided to show you 3 modes of game play. First is Normal mode the main mode of Audition. The mode is different than expected as you are supposed to do a combination of arrows and then press space bar before the sphere passes the white area (shown in the video review).The mode itself is fun to play but one mess up and the combination disappears. This usually leaves no time to redo the combination. When this happens you lose a turn. The mode was fun to play but can be very annoying to mess up and start all over again. The next mode was called Beat Up. This mode is a reincarnation of DDR with extra features. You use the number pad and press the number with the corresponding arrow. Just like DDR you get awarded by combos every 10 combos you get a letter until you get BEATUP. That doubles the score (I think) from then on. The mode for me is the best because of the feel of the game. The last mode of all is One- Two. I think some people have heard of this type of mode. This mode makes you follow an NPC (Non Playable Character) and follow what they do in rhythm. I found a lot of difficulty playing the mode and found out that the mode was not popular at all! I found around 1 room every hour showing it and few people where in that room. The mode overall sucks and I would not recommend playing it.

The cash shop is also there. Again if you have no life use your own money and buy the items you probably won’t need. Though this time these guys realized that people don’t want to waste their own money and let you buy the items with beats (where do you think I got those nice threads). Even so Beats are hard to earn and you need a lot of beats to buy some of this stuff which can get real annoying but that is something you can look over. The last thing on this list is the level system which is based on experience points. I don’t know exactly when you level up but level 1-5 is beginner (I’m on 5) and 6+ is pretty much the harder levels. The level system takes a much longer time than expected but that’s fine when you have other features that keep you occupied. Even so the game play for the game is awesome and if you can live through some of the problems in game play and stay away from one two you’ll realize this is a good game.
Lasting Appeal
The game is fun I mean real fun. The game itself is fun and I recommend it all people. The only problem is the lag and the cash shop. Besides that you can meet up with friends and talk to each other and have an awesome time with each other. The game is one of the better games that Nexon has made. I love it and if you have friends you’ll never quit. Though if you don’t have anyone to play with, the game can be fun as you’ll be lost in the modes that they give you. I found the game to be very enjoyable and I hope you guy will feel the same way.
The game is very fun to play I love it because of all the modes you get to play. I think that all people would love playing this game so give it a try. I loved almost all modes in the game and I loved playing everything that was in the game. There were some problems like the shop and the One Two mode but that was it. Overall get the game it is fun and awesome to play.
From what I heard there were commercials from MTV networks I was able to see the commercial which was nice and I even saw the promo for Audition was even better but if you want to see or download audition I got the link right here I love the game and it should be fun for you guys too. Audition Online for North America
Graphics: 9.3
Sound: 9.9
Game play: 10
Lasting Appeal: 8.4
Downloadabillity: 8.0