(Note to reader: I tried to play Maplestory as fast as I can to see the game in full view. I wasn't able go far so this is more opinion)
If you decided to count all the RPG's in the world you would probably die before counting them all. Many of them are horribly bad, some are good, and the few that make it through the filter are very good. Well that's exactly what this game is. With that I wasn't surprised when I found Maplestory won of the most popular games across the net and well the game can be very… funny.
The Mechanics
Maplestory is a 2d sidescroller which hasn't really been seen in many RPG games. There is no story you just are entered into the game trying to be the best of the best. The game does help you in many ways including what to do and where to go. As being a sidescroller you usually go right but you there always is some hidden content to see in the worlds. You earn mesos, the games currency, when killing enemies also you can earn items. Nexon also includes a gift store that is accessed at the bottom of your menu.
In there you use Nexon cash to buy items. Again this can be very useless unless you want to show off you have no life. As Nexon cash you have to pay with your own money at a target store or with a credit card.
The games graphics are well very ok. We see a lot of variety in with monsters. Even though I didn't go far I was able to say that there were many different parts to the game. Once you were very deep into the game you realized how amazing the field was. The enemies sometimes resembled mushrooms and some were snails. You could find almost any monster there you have dreamed of. The only problem with the graphics is when making a character as you don't have a real option with creativity as in you could find the same low levels will be the exact same which could be a bore.
Finally in Victoria
No lag even with this many people (see if you can locate me)
There is only one word for the music: beautiful. The various sound tracks of the game can be soothing to fast action paced music. The games variety can make a person cry. This game is the only game where you can hear the music playing and actually fitting in. The music is never at the wrong place at the wrong time which makes the music of the game extremely wonderful to listen to. Even though there are so many games out there this game even can beat some games you have to pay for which just says that they worked extra hard for this track. All I have to say is good job to the Nexon group.
Lasting Appeal
RPG's are not my favorite and usually need work. For example in this one you have to suffer the first half of the game just to get experience points and that can be a serious pain. The game doesn't really have any fun at the beginning and it can be very annoying. After all that you finish the first part of the game it can get fun but that is only if you know what to do. You go to Victoria Island were the game expands. You find a job like warrior, magician and others. The game gets a bit shallow and then becomes a chore again trying to get powerful. The game is real heard and I don't expect people to really relax until they get into a high level.
Same old enemies
The game only has a couple flaws for example the quests. Those are super long and are very boring in short DON'T DO THE QUESTS unless you see that they are short. The games can be very annoying and boring. I do not recommend any quests to anyone who has or will be playing the game. Otherwise being with a group member you have 10x the fun with your players. The game has a lot of annoyance to it but still has great potential.
The game has ads across the net! You can find the game where ever you go. Maplestory is probably the number one game in advertisement as you can find ads on TV and now you can see some of the stuff on MySpace. The link to this game is http://www.maplestory.com/ I have to say that that this game could be one of the most fantastic games.
Total Review
Mechanics 6.5
Graphics 9.0
Sound 10.0
Lasting Appeal 7.4
Fun 8.9
Downloadability 10
I say if you are an RPG fan download it otherwise you may have little patience for the game.