Team Review 2's Logo


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hello again.

Summer is here, and let me tell you something, it's been far too long since I've done anything productive. It's been a couple years since I posted my very first entry and now a lot has changed. Whether it's for better or for worse it's up to you. Anyway, I've read this site a bit and beside the childish writing, I liked the idea, and if everything works out. I'll come back.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I'll make a quick post,
I'm taking down all personal posts and putting them into a personal section. I'll be adding and deleting stuff. I'll add more to this post at a later time.

Edit: Ok, so like said before there will be some changing like taking out personal days and I'll put that into a Microsoft Word Document for later.

2nd Edit:
[x] Deletion of all posts not related to a review
[] Rewrite some or all Video Reviews
[] Start going back into a regular basis again
[] Adding tags to all the posts
[] Changing other sites to correspond with this site

3rd Edit:
I wrote everything here when I was like 11 years old, so don't blame my poor penmanship.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Combat Arms (cont.)

If you want to see videos, you can just check nexon's sight for combat arms.  Nothing much happens, but it is accurate.  

Sorry, I forgot the numbers.  
Lasting appeal:9.5
Game play:9.7
9.3 (not an average)

Combat Arms

As you may know, JJ is away in Uganda for eight more days.  Having limited access to Internet and no modern computer systems, JJ is unable to review or play any games.  However, I will review games for him until he comes back and may continue then.

Combat Arms is a first person shooter put out by Nexon.  It's very unique.  While many games rely on multi player to sell copies,(and skimping on single player), Combat Arms is exclusively multi player.  This means ranked matches, capture the flag, elimination, ganging up on your buddies, or just laughing at some guy you don't know who just got slaughtered. Sounds fun?
It is.

Combat arms is, at best, good graphically.  Bullets have a tendency to turn into streaks, and the flash bang  grenade isn't the best it could be.  There's no ridiculous amounts of blood flying everywhere, the characters look computerized at best, and the fog is just a wall of gray.      The menus and the HUD are nice and feel intact though.  You can tell a gun's type with a glance, and maybe differentiate between a AK-47 and a M-16.  The graphics don't impact the game play that much though

Nexon's real emphasis is on the customization.  You can buy scopes, new weapons, different types of grenades, and even a backpack to hold two more items.  You can outfit your variety of weapons with scopes, suppressors, and extended magazines.  The only catch: they disappear after twenty four hours.  That's right folks.  Items are temporary.  It's not that bad.  You earn enough GP by playing, and the starting weapons aren't all that bad (except for the knife).
They at least let you buy the items for up to 90 days.  As the days go up though, it gets more expensive.  And if you don't want to earn GP, you can always buy a Nexon card and exchange it for GP.  

The sounds and music are fair, but music is never the strong point of fps games, especially multi player oriented.  The sounds are realistic enough, but I never play with the sound up.  
It's just not part of the game. Besides, listening to the rat-a-tat of a machine gun gets very boring very quickly.  But, reading the chats is always entertaining and makes up for the lack of sound.

Everything before this has describe this game as mediocre. (Besides the intro)  It isn't.  Many games pride themselves on graphics.  For combat arms, game play is the main focus.  And for v1.o, It's amazing.  The naps are detailed.  In call of duty 4 (for those who have played it) the maps have one level.  And if they have more, they always go up.  This is an excellent game, but combat arms shows it up. In snow valley, you have about as many, or more tunnels and passageways as above ground routes.  It's detailed, with tunnels leading to every part of the map.  This is the biggest map, but other maps are good at giving multiple routes also.  Combat arms is about variety.

And speaking about variety, the modes are pretty diverse also.  There's elimination, one man army, capture the flag,  and search and destroy.  Each of these have their perks.  In elimination, It's just straight out team vs. team.  Once a team kills so many people, the games over.  These are the shortest matches, but end up being the closest.  Then there's one man army.  every man for himself.  You just play until a player reaches a kill limit.  Capture the flag is self explanatory.  And last, but not least,  search and destroy.  One team is charges with defending a point, the other team is charged with blowing it up.  If one team eliminates the other, the rounds over.  Simple enough.  Right?

And then, you have your actual action. When you fire you're gun, you see muzzle flashes.  Aiming at distant targets with an automatic weapon, recoil kicks in.  It 's hard to keep you're gun level.  You can sprint across open expanses, with the loss of ability to fire and sprint points.
You can kill people, and it lets you know it.  In some games, the enemy just falls down.  In Combat Arms, the enemy falls down, and your number of kills flashes across the screen.  It's not small.  It's big, bold, and befitting of your achievement.  Head shots are also noted.  When you die, it will tell you who killed you, and with what.  And if they've killed you more than 3 times without dying at your hands, it will let you know just how many times they've killed you.
And when you kill them, Instead of just you rejoicing in sweet revenge, they let you know also, with a big revenge across the screen.  

You get exp for your kills and wins, slightly more for head shots and killing the first man.  This exp accumulates and gains you ranks.  These ranks don't do anything besides gain you GP and sometimes unlock weapons,  but the really good stuff comes when you are equal to or above Major general.  These are truly bragging rates.  not only do you have to earn the exp to get there, but you have to have a higher amount of exp than the other guys.  For example the general of the army is the player with the most exp in the whole entire game.  That takes some skill.  

The only thing that irks me about game play is the physics, ladders, and amount of damage it takes to kill someone.  The physics are almost nonexistent.  Grenade and mines just do damage.  Shooting someone won't knock them back, they just collapse.  This may be because Nexon is under funded, but it is annoying for such a good game.  The ladders don't work, for the most part. In combat arms you have to be as good climbing ladders as at shooting.  And the ladders don't make it easy.  You can fall off ladders climbing perfectly.  You can run in circles trying to get down ladders.  once you climb up ladders, you can fall down because there's no room to go anywhere.  And then there's the amount of damage your virtual human body can take.  Normal humans would be on the ground, gasping for air with one or two bullets.  The virtual soldiers can take 5 seconds of running around in circles being shot at before they die.  The only rocket launcher in the game takes two hits.  Mines and grenades can take two hits.  you can poor lead into someone only to have them turn around and shoot you in the head.  It doesn't work.  

Combat Arms is a great game overall, but overall doesn't sum it up.  Combat arms is really summed up by the game play.  This game is addicting.  Like Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, the story or the graphics may be mediocre, but the game play is fun.  It's a game you can't put down, and the nice thing is that you can pick it up whenever you want.  It's quick to install, quick to load, quick to play.  And It has so much lasting value that you could still be playing it by the time Guitar hero 20 comes out.  

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tis A New Author!

Heylo, everyone. I'm the fourth member of TR2, and comic/flash maker of the team. Just thought I'd introduce myself real quick, and say that (hopefully) one of my projects will see the light of day on TR2 soon. See ya!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Well I finally made the cut on what is going to be the TR2x2 links. Okay so here it goes:

1. Team Review 2 Blog (done!)
2. Team Review 2 Freewebs (99% just have to add the websites)
3. Team Review 2 Xfire (75% done I need to add and loose some things)
4. Team Review 2 Forums (2% done I finally decided which forum is going to be the host)

It is my birthday today so I won't give you a big post and I won't work on the guide so I'll see you soon.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Flyff Video Review

I know this one was rushed a bit. Don't blame me blame windows movie maker. I'm reverting back to my old maker called Camtasia. I mean I will not use Windows Movie Maker unless everything else fails. So ya I hope you like the video review tell me if you want me just to have pictures (like in the beginning) or have a video (like in the end) I don't mind which one you make me use I like every one. So tell me soon thanks!

PS. I only could put this in google video format because all other formats (like youtube) had something wrong with them. *sigh*
PS(S?) I'm getting another post right after this one

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Flyff Notes

Here are the notes for the game (since today is wedensday).


In news I was able to play Flyff and got to level 20! This means that I can start flying which should be the main point in the game. I'll start editing tomorrow and I'll start the video review tomorrow (if they are no distractions). In other news luberducky is working on his Rapplez review which he is taking extremely long at doing. I have a new printer which I can scan stuff in. Hopefully it will work so I can start doing stuff. Oh by the way from now on News will be at the bottom except for Written Reviews, Notes, and Video Reviews. Well I hope you all have a good time cause I'm going to bed!




Graphics- Graphics are nice if I depended on vairity. I loved the moments when you attacked but also monsters were very different. Though the islands were pretty small but that's something you could look over. I loved the different monsters but also everything else about the island. The terrain was the same in some places and if you placed the camera right you were able to see the inside of a person. (There will be a picture). I liked most of it espcially the difference in your character as for the NPC's they are exactly the same. I'm guessing that they did this on purpose. The reason is because they have I guess a classification system so people can easily tell when a


Sound- The sound is ok I think it's pretty good even though I was stuck in the mainland a lot. The music changed depending on where you were. I heard some samples of the music and I desired it. The music wasn't maple story type of music but even so it was worked on very well.


Gameplay (the longest subject)- The game play is seriously fun. I loved it best one I have seen in all 4 games I have reviewed. The gameplay worked flawlessly and well nothing felt slow or boring. Every thing seemed to work flawlessly. The games currency is penya which is very easy to find. You fight by attack and you can use skill attack which is the equvilant to a special attack. This attack is pretty good and very useful. You start off in the game at Flaris and are left there with an unresponsive tutorial guide. This was a horrible thing but they made sure that we felt welcome anyway when monsters that you wanted to attack where very close. What I really liked about the game was the ability to walk through people and monsters. So when you are seeing fields of monsters you can walk through them without getting hurt which hasn't been seen in many rpg's and the feature is highly used. Monsters also won't attack you unless these 2 things happen your attacking them or you're their name is red. This is one of the greatest features of the game and again I highly recommend it.


Lasting Appeal- The game is fun and one of the games that I'm excited to play when I get home. Every thing goes down flawlessly I can't say much in this subject because of how awesome it was.


Fun- The game has almost no flaws whatsoever ( I guess this is where all the developers were) I loved it and will continue to love as the first game to stay on my computer.


Downloadability- The game can be found and I have seen numerous annoucements. The game also is the sister game of Raplez so it should be easy to find. I think that you also can look at trailers and it is a pretty popular game so and again a bit more playfull so it can be open to almost anyone you see.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Website Combination

So again I always love to surf the internet and…. Wait that's not how this story starts. Ok so I downloaded FLYFF and after the installation it told me to downloaded xfire. I was confused cause I never heard of that and well they didn't explain it to me. Well I downloaded xfire anyway and boy was I in for a surprise. I figured it had everything we needed for in game chat and also it had almost all the essentials on its website. So now let me introduce the new combination website. The website is called this website will be where all info for anything besides reviews and news is. The new logo premiering sometime soon will be on that website. All applications will have to be there and I'll be looking at the stuff there almost every day. This website will also be for videogame gatherings and almost everything that goes along with games. Another website that's easier to get in will be up soon.





6 Days till Brawl!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Flyff Review

Flyff Review

Well after seeing the first game (Upshift Strike Racer) I thought all games would be exactly like that. This game really needed to raise the bar if Gpotato wanted to look good. So let's look at the second game from Gpotato: Flyff (Fly for Fun)


Let's just get this out of the way. I do not base computer games on visual appeal but difference in characters and objects in the game. Overall the graphics were nice. I saw many many different monsters which was a nice change. Everything looked different and well every item was different. You would see a new face in almost playable character you saw. Like most RPGs there is almost an unlimited amount of customization so it's no surprise to tell you guys the truth. Anyway the one out of the two major flaws I saw was that they used the same model for a group of characters. For example you had someone who helped with weapons would have the same models as someone else who handled weapons. This was an annoying yet helpful idea. "Now how is that helpful?" some of you might be asking. Let me tell you why, when you want to find a specific person that gives you some food you can look for that type of character model and usually they will offer you the same thing. Anyway graphics were awesome and so I award the game for its graphics.

One example of a model


Sound for a game has to be nice to be noticeable and this was. The music overall fit the game close to flawlessly. The game does have some good sound effects though some of the voices for the monsters are horrible like the mushroom monsters sound like cats! So maybe there is an extra flaw but again it's something to look over because it's only one monster so a flaw that can be easily looked over. Even so the music did have its blend ins but that was on rare occasions so again it's something to look over. Even though the music wasn't Maplestory worthy it still had its moments.


Gameplay is the longest and hardest subject to talk about but has such a big effect it can't be skipped. First the Gameplay is one of the best I have ever seen. I'm not a big RPG fan so it's hard to push me into a good RPG especially when things take way too long to complete and can be very boring. This game changed everything I thought about stereotypes and flipped it over. I mean that the gameplay had so much to offer that I was surprised it was kept this low.

Let's start at the very beginning of the game when you are a noob. You create your character and start off at Flaris Island. One flaw here was actually an irresponsive tutorial at the bottom of your screen but again that is something that can be looked over because it's real easy to start out even as a new character. You get an endless amount of monsters of the same type so it's easy to level and you also feel welcome. The combat system is easy since you don't have to hold any buttons. The attacking is really fast so that your attention never decreases.

Later in the game you realize why the game is great: there is no stress! For an example you can go through enemies so you don't get hurt when you touch them which is a huge relief when you see a whole patch of enemies. One of the greatest things that I really liked was that monsters won't attack you unless the following 2 things happen: 1. you attack them first 2. Their name is in red. When this happens you want to stay as far away as possible or else they may spot you and try to attack you. These features usually don't happen in a game so it was nice for a change.

There are shops around the area that you can go to. The shops use a currency called penya which is the games currency. You use it to buy some stuff from other people. The price for the stuff is high and some of the stuff there isn't even worth it. Though again if you have no life whatsoever you'll go and use your own money to get potatoes which is the currency of every Gpotato game.

So the one major flaw in this game that makes me get a bit pissed off is the title! Why you ask because you can't fly till your level 20! That's one stupid flaw especially seeing how the title says FLY for fun. Well again I won't be able to tell you how the flying part goes unless we get more members that can help me level up. I'll try to make it to level 20 by the video review for your pleasure.

Leveling up

Lasting Appeal

So what do I think about how long the game can pull you in for? The game will suck you in and almost make it seem World of Warcraft worthy. This game was the only one that I loved playing and the only game that I really wanted to keep on playing. I really can't say much except that playing this game is one of the most addicting games that I know.


Overall the game is one big pile of fun. Everything flowed together with only two major flaws. I guess all game designers were here and not working on Upshift Strike Racer. I loved how they placed everything and how addicting the game was. This game also is something you can start and stop which makes it really fun and convenient. Overall I recommend this game and hope that all of you will realize how great a game this is.


The game can be found as I have seen some but not a lot of advertisements. Though it is a sister game of Raplez so you can find it real close to each other. Hopefully this game can get a review but either way it's a highly populated game so again I recommend this game also here is the link Flyff online

Graphics: 9.5
Sound: 9.6
Gameplay: 10.0
Lasting Appeal: 10.0
Fun: 9.9
Downloadability: 9.0
Overall: 9.9

Monday, February 25, 2008

Upshift Strike Racer Video Review

Youtube Version

Google Video Version

Online Videos by

Veoh Version

(no blogger version this time because of it's slow upload times)

Upshift Strike Racer Notes

Graphics- The graphics are nice for the game very detailed though I felt like there was a death feeling by the game. The pictures are very dead looking and the enchanced one is a bit more feeling. This is my own feeling but it feels like the whole world is dead or destroyed except for a couple of stuff. It felt like the exact opposite of the description unless my computer is covered with a couple layers of dirt (which it's not!) this has a dessert or death like game. Well I guess it's a shooter game so I guess that's ok? Though I mean the graphics on the outside are real good I liked them a but when you looked inside the car you see nothing but the outside in the inside. The inside that you don't want to see. I guess they didn't care. If you have some thing else they did tell me.

Update: I played other stages and had to say they still seemed lonely and depressing but they also had been a bit more visually appealing.

Update2: I played lots more stages and well I have to say the death feeling that I saw before was not as bad as I expected. I kind of felt a bit more happiness than usuall with this game and realized the graphics are awesome and the not all stages will kill you.

Sound- Everything fit itself real well I guess? I mean I thought it felt a bit rusty. I mean rusty type of music the one you see in killer things. I don't know why maybe the felt like it but I guess it works with the music but isn't different in all the ways you would expect. I mean there are few tracks and they don't get your attention so the music is their to bee there no other reason though I don't think it serves the game what it deserves… well actually it does.


Game play- You get 3 modes all revolving around racing. One with items and shooting one without and a time trial. They all did not capture my attention in any way. I tried to keep on playing but the maximum I spent playing this game was 2 hours at MOST. In strike racing all you do is fight while racing. This isn't like Mario Kart (a game I love) where you are a bit more skillful. This is pretty much just last second survival. An all out battle of life and death. Like a said before it's what I call rusty where everything looks like death and you don't want to be there. I really felt like everything was going to kill me like that movie saw. ( I guess, I never saw it before). Anyway there is a shop but a horrible shop I didn't think it felt right I didn't buy anything at all. The community for the game is like a village.

Lasting Appeal- The game is hard to stay with. I mean real hard to stay with because of it's depth. There is so little depth into this game so you can't stay with it. All you could do is race and shoot and that was it. The game can't really get any shallower. I mean it really was hard to keep focus in the game I got tired of it as soon as I started playing it.


Fun- The game is not as fun as expected so that kind of sucks also not a lot of modes and as I said before they are death looks in the game. I hate the look of some of it but that's just me but I wouldn't want to play the game because of it's death like feel


Downloadability- The game is hard to find on the internet thought you did have other modes to help you with that. Not a lot helped but Rapplez did always advertise the itself a lot so since that game is part of the same company you should easily find it.

Upshift Strike Racer Review

Sorry about not posting anything I had left four 3 days and now I'll post everything at once because everything was completly done!

Upshift Strike Racer Review

A new company to medal with and it's my favorite genre too: racing! So first impressions are this: The company has made 6 turning into 5 games (don't ask why decreasing). The people can be easily amused. I think the company is called Gpotato (a weird name) and even though the name is weird let's hope that the game is better.


I feel dead when I saw that picture. The one I showed you all a couple days ago. I went back and visually enhanced all the photos so everything did not feel like there was a layer of dirt covering the screen. So just as a side note every picture will be visually enhanced so I don't feel like death is crawling on me but you will see that the video review will have the death like town feeling.

Back to the game the graphics overall were amazing, everything on the outside I mean well designed and everything felt realistic I really did like the graphics they put into this game was amazing and hard working. Again like I said and will continue to say is that since there is no base in free games I'll base it on how varied it is. On that note I'll tell you this not a lot is varied so I didn't see a difference in the appearance of the car especially when you looked inside the car there was no inside! I'm serious there wasn't anything! This is what I call careless and stupid. I guess these guys saw the mistake and tinted the glasses for all the stages except one that you will see here and the main menu. Though anyway there weren't a lot of changes on the same vehicle. Though you had many different vehicles to choose from. I mean like a real good amount that ranged extremely. The problem was the cost of the vehicle was outrageous so you didn't see lots of different cars. The stages actually were different even though they had the dirt feel to almost all of the stages. Though I did see a difference from all stages which kind of made up for the empty vehicle. Overall graphics in the game were awesome and I totally would recommend it if it were only based on graphics.

Just wanted to show you the preloader How could you mess up like that


I didn't hear that much difference in sound in this game at all. The sound either was rusty metal rock music or something but surprisingly it fit into the game's tone. The sound didn't do much and neither did the sound effects of the game. The shooting was there and if felt like shooting and so did the explosions but it didn't flow with the game. There was a difference of music which was nice but again I either felt like I was going to die or I was in the middle of a hard metal rock concert. There wasn't anything else to say about the music except that it just didn't feel at right.


There is not a lot to talk about when it comes boiling down to gameplay this game only had 3 actual modes followed by a garage and a shop. First came Strike Racing. This is the one where you have weapons and items to blow up other cars. This is the one most of the community plays with. Basically you are racing while shooting. You get 3 weapons at the very beginning and just wait until you can shoot everything down. This is moderately fun at the beginning but it quickly gets boring and I couldn't stand it. The destructiveness is pretty good for the game seeing everything that is lying down can get hit but either way there wasn't much to do besides race and shoot. Before I forget let me tell you something. The community is small and unfriendly. I don't know why this is happening but I mean when you try to chat no one responds to your comments I mean nothing at all! Let me give you the 5 words I saw on the chat: Everybody get ready or starting soon. Now most games can be 10x better when you have a friend playing with you. In this game everybody has the I work alone type of feeling.

Anyway the next mode is racing. So think about this racing and racers. That's it! I mean you get the same stages and everything just without the weapons. There isn't much to do in this mode at all and no one seems interested since almost no one races in this mode. So this mode really never gets any attention except for the few people who set up rooms as you will see in my video review.

The next mode is time trial that mode though I call it practice mode if you are under a level 4. See you have to donate 50 rep points to this big pool so someone can win it all at the very end of the month, but this only will happen when you are a level five and above. The time trial mode is a practice mode for people who need to work on their skills. The mode is good and one of the best because of the things you can do in that mode is just practice you're racing skills. Let me tell you one thing since this is a small community people will mostly have a higher level then you and will be able to kick you buts immediately.

There was a shop and garage mode in the game but I just don't want to talk about it there wasn't a lot you could do, but I'll put that in the video review.

Hitting cars is fun! The stupid glitch :(

Lasting Appeal

The game was real shallow. The depth of a game is usually what lets me play a game. This game had no depth no unlockables and no motivation. I mean whenever I played the game I was forced to continue only for the review. The game was real boring especially with the few people who play the game and even though the graphics are awesome for that I didn't feel like playing the game because of its shallowness.


The game was ok to play with its overall fighting and attacking. Though I did feel a layer of dirt was on the screen whenever I played so it always looked rough and rugged so it was hard to play. Everything in the game felt lacking in almost every way. The final product was mediocre at best so in all the game isn't recommended for anyone.


I found this game and company through an ad on Newgrounds. The game is hard to find because I could never find an ad again but they always seemed to be advertising Rapplez another game of theirs. There really isn't much to say but you will have to find it by clicking on links from other games. Overall you can't find it unless you look somewhere else.

Graphics: 9.5

Sound: 6.7

Gameplay: 3.5

Lasting Appeal: 2.5

Fun: 4.0

Downloadabillity: 7.0



Saturday, February 9, 2008

Audition notes.

This is what I do to make my video review I put it on Microsoft One Note and stuff so I decided to show you the notes I took.


Done with Audition!!!!


Graphics- The graphics for the game is ok but what surprises me is the amount of things you could get for free. I loved the setting of the place an how different your character could be and how different everything could be. Many stages and the city is very awesome looking (I think it got a makeover while I was gone)

Sound- There is lots of stereo and the music ranges from everywhere (some bad) I personally thing that the music can be very nice. I think that the music just keeps expanding so you are bound to find something you like. The beat to the music is good so it can stay in sync but the only problem is lag can make you loose some points

Game play- I played a couple of modes (seeing how there was about 9) I checked and some of the were pretty good. I loved playing beat up (a carnation of DDR) and normal was good too. Beat up made you use the number pad and hit a button corresponding with where it was. Normal was the basic used in almost all modes. You press the arrows in order then press spacebar when in the white area. The one I hated was the one two mode. You followed a NPC (Non playable character) and when it was your turn you figured out how to do the same beat.


Lasting Appeal- The game is fun and does steal your interest for a while. I love playing it when a friend I met online is there. The best part of this is that the shop does not make you have to waste your money buying a game card but instead you can buy with beats. Or like currency in a shop that is accessible easily. Though like other games you may need to have some devotion to play these games.


Fun- The modes the friends, the games, the varieness, all of these thing came into play and this is why I loved this game.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Audition Video Review!!!

Ok I did it in 4 different ways so here they are: also the next game is Upshift Strike Racer which will be posted next friday look at bottom for more info tell me if one of them is not working

Youtube Version

Google Video version

Veoh Version

Online Videos by

there we go also my voice does not sound like that
and my brother did not do Audition for Dummies thing

Friday, February 1, 2008

Audition Review

Video Review by Saturday.

I know I was supposed to give you a review on wed but well I had troubles getting everything ready. I also had a problem posting the pictures on wedendsday and finally figured it out today so now I’ll be able to post using Microsoft word.


With the many music games you would wonder if you would ever see a free one. Well Nexon jumped again and came to the rescue. As the one of the first free dancing games to hit the online market you would wonder if the game would either be terribly bad or amazingly good of course that’s what a review does. Join me as we figure out about the world of Audition.

Graphics for a game can be hard to judge and since there is no real basis I judge by the difference of the game. Well this game excels in difference. I saw customization that people have not even used. The stages look real nice compared to other 3d dance games (I’m talking about DDR) I have seen in the past.

I was recording so I could barely play
When the next time I go dancing I’m going to dance like them

Well as you can see it’s worked out perfectly in this picture I mean look at those stages! I loved all of the game I think that it deserves an A+ in the Graphics.

Sound usually plays a major role in dancing games. Well this has some nice music. What I liked was that the music was from a lot of genres and the music was modern which made me much happier. Of course you will see in the video review that the music is very good. Lots and lots of music are played from artist of any sort. One problem is the lag in the game which I faced multiple times. That is the problem because all sound quits and you miss beats. This is never a good thing. Though the sound itself is amazing and it is able to update music which again is an awesome thing.

Game play

There were soooooooooooooooooooooooooo many modes. I mean I could not tell you the modes that were in there. I may not have even seen all of them! Since that is a possibility I decided to show you 3 modes of game play. First is Normal mode the main mode of Audition. The mode is different than expected as you are supposed to do a combination of arrows and then press space bar before the sphere passes the white area (shown in the video review).The mode itself is fun to play but one mess up and the combination disappears. This usually leaves no time to redo the combination. When this happens you lose a turn. The mode was fun to play but can be very annoying to mess up and start all over again. The next mode was called Beat Up. This mode is a reincarnation of DDR with extra features. You use the number pad and press the number with the corresponding arrow. Just like DDR you get awarded by combos every 10 combos you get a letter until you get BEATUP. That doubles the score (I think) from then on. The mode for me is the best because of the feel of the game. The last mode of all is One- Two. I think some people have heard of this type of mode. This mode makes you follow an NPC (Non Playable Character) and follow what they do in rhythm. I found a lot of difficulty playing the mode and found out that the mode was not popular at all! I found around 1 room every hour showing it and few people where in that room. The mode overall sucks and I would not recommend playing it.

This is Beat Up the one that looks like DDR
When you look at the Video Review you’ll see it much better
The cash shop is also there. Again if you have no life use your own money and buy the items you probably won’t need. Though this time these guys realized that people don’t want to waste their own money and let you buy the items with beats (where do you think I got those nice threads). Even so Beats are hard to earn and you need a lot of beats to buy some of this stuff which can get real annoying but that is something you can look over. The last thing on this list is the level system which is based on experience points. I don’t know exactly when you level up but level 1-5 is beginner (I’m on 5) and 6+ is pretty much the harder levels. The level system takes a much longer time than expected but that’s fine when you have other features that keep you occupied. Even so the game play for the game is awesome and if you can live through some of the problems in game play and stay away from one two you’ll realize this is a good game.

Lasting Appeal

The game is fun I mean real fun. The game itself is fun and I recommend it all people. The only problem is the lag and the cash shop. Besides that you can meet up with friends and talk to each other and have an awesome time with each other. The game is one of the better games that Nexon has made. I love it and if you have friends you’ll never quit. Though if you don’t have anyone to play with, the game can be fun as you’ll be lost in the modes that they give you. I found the game to be very enjoyable and I hope you guy will feel the same way.
The game is very fun to play I love it because of all the modes you get to play. I think that all people would love playing this game so give it a try. I loved almost all modes in the game and I loved playing everything that was in the game. There were some problems like the shop and the One Two mode but that was it. Overall get the game it is fun and awesome to play.
From what I heard there were commercials from MTV networks I was able to see the commercial which was nice and I even saw the promo for Audition was even better but if you want to see or download audition I got the link right here I love the game and it should be fun for you guys too. Audition Online for North America

Graphics: 9.3

Sound: 9.9

Game play: 10

Lasting Appeal: 8.4

Downloadabillity: 8.0


Thursday, December 13, 2007

SSBB presentation that is the my presentintation that I have been working hard. Well as you may have heard JJ won't be able to do the Review cause of some team issues.

Oh by the way JJ says hi and sorry he couldn't do it
Of course the other computer is crashing like crazy and my dad has been hoging this computer oh and also he may do a new segmant who knows?

Friday, November 30, 2007

Maplestory Review

(this is an opinion of an impatient man)

(Note to reader: I tried to play Maplestory as fast as I can to see the game in full view. I wasn't able go far so this is more opinion)

If you decided to count all the RPG's in the world you would probably die before counting them all. Many of them are horribly bad, some are good, and the few that make it through the filter are very good. Well that's exactly what this game is. With that I wasn't surprised when I found Maplestory won of the most popular games across the net and well the game can be very… funny.

The Mechanics

Maplestory is a 2d sidescroller which hasn't really been seen in many RPG games. There is no story you just are entered into the game trying to be the best of the best. The game does help you in many ways including what to do and where to go. As being a sidescroller you usually go right but you there always is some hidden content to see in the worlds. You earn mesos, the games currency, when killing enemies also you can earn items. Nexon also includes a gift store that is accessed at the bottom of your menu.

In there you use Nexon cash to buy items. Again this can be very useless unless you want to show off you have no life. As Nexon cash you have to pay with your own money at a target store or with a credit card.


The games graphics are well very ok. We see a lot of variety in with monsters. Even though I didn't go far I was able to say that there were many different parts to the game. Once you were very deep into the game you realized how amazing the field was. The enemies sometimes resembled mushrooms and some were snails. You could find almost any monster there you have dreamed of. The only problem with the graphics is when making a character as you don't have a real option with creativity as in you could find the same low levels will be the exact same which could be a bore.

Finally in Victoria

No lag even with this many people (see if you can locate me)


There is only one word for the music: beautiful. The various sound tracks of the game can be soothing to fast action paced music. The games variety can make a person cry. This game is the only game where you can hear the music playing and actually fitting in. The music is never at the wrong place at the wrong time which makes the music of the game extremely wonderful to listen to. Even though there are so many games out there this game even can beat some games you have to pay for which just says that they worked extra hard for this track. All I have to say is good job to the Nexon group.

Lasting Appeal

RPG's are not my favorite and usually need work. For example in this one you have to suffer the first half of the game just to get experience points and that can be a serious pain. The game doesn't really have any fun at the beginning and it can be very annoying. After all that you finish the first part of the game it can get fun but that is only if you know what to do. You go to Victoria Island were the game expands. You find a job like warrior, magician and others. The game gets a bit shallow and then becomes a chore again trying to get powerful. The game is real heard and I don't expect people to really relax until they get into a high level.

Same old enemies


The game only has a couple flaws for example the quests. Those are super long and are very boring in short DON'T DO THE QUESTS unless you see that they are short. The games can be very annoying and boring. I do not recommend any quests to anyone who has or will be playing the game. Otherwise being with a group member you have 10x the fun with your players. The game has a lot of annoyance to it but still has great potential.


The game has ads across the net! You can find the game where ever you go. Maplestory is probably the number one game in advertisement as you can find ads on TV and now you can see some of the stuff on MySpace. The link to this game is I have to say that that this game could be one of the most fantastic games.

Total Review

Mechanics 6.5

Graphics 9.0

Sound 10.0

Lasting Appeal 7.4

Fun 8.9

Downloadability 10


I say if you are an RPG fan download it otherwise you may have little patience for the game.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Kartrider review

The old days of kart racing, you know what I'm talking about the fun kart racing games. Well Nexon decided to give this genre a try and well the results are mixed. Let me explain KartRider is a racing game with cartoon like styles as you'll see. The game consists mostly of a very unique multiplayer. They haven't developed KartRider that much since it is still in beta form but they can't slack off.

First is multiplayer the game has most of the basics. You are allowed to have a race using two types: speed or item. Speed is really just racing without items. There give you many techniques that you can use like drifting but they aren't useful. Speed may have some amazing stuff but it really could be improved. Item mode is of course is using items. The items are of course fun give this game a pickup and play feel. You race with many types of items like boost down to confuse. The two types are divided farther into single and team. Single is pretty much what I explained. Team of course is when you are on a team and is trying to defeat the other. You do have a 50/50 chance of winning but you get less experience points. (I'll explain later about that)

In Scenario you follow a boy who has just earned his practice kart. He tries his way to the boom hill open. Along the way he meets friends and he does many races over the course. The positive side is that you get to relax and single player with yourself and just have fun. The only real annoyance is 2 things 1. You are forced to do some multiplayer races in great portions. Like 20 races but it has only happened twice though it can get very annoying. 2. After you are finished with multiplayer races you are expected to have gained enough experience points to move on. Mostly you never do and are forced to play multiplayer until you finish.

There are extra modes like license where you are able to get your rookie license but of course it isn't that hard as you have to do a quest (more on that later). The game also provides shopping section where you shop for characters, plates, items, karts, and the list goes on and on. You can also give gifts to other buddies as a random act of kindness. Garage also is another multiplayer function it enables you to check out others people places. Of course since it is in beta you don't have much of a choice to do what you want to, but you are able to select random visit and see someone else's garage most likely they will be at their garage while you check it out. That is probably the best way to make friends and enable a nice chat.

Time trial is necessary on most to all racing games. Even though I'm a racing fan I still don't like time trials so it was a pain to go through but I was able to see some races. Well they did try to up it a bit by here hasn't been any reason for this as it tries to cover up some flaws with it. I may be wrong but they don't carry one of the basics that most games which are a rank based system but again that could be put off. The game does provide a ghost so you can see how well you do against yourself. Time trial overall is probably a good thing but could be improved.

The mechanics are the game are very simple, you gain experience by racing in multiplayer and you level up. The only problem is that you have to race your head out just to go to the next level. This wouldn't be a problem if, like I said before, they didn't force you to level up just to go further in scenario. Also racing multiplayer gets you lucci which you can spend in the shop which it's not hard earning that as getting in first gives you 100 lucci and you need 3000 to unlock a race not hard. Nexon cash is also a factor with this game it allows you to pay with your own money for items in the game. Unless you have no life you can completely ignore the option because you can use lucci on most items.

The games quirky cartoon style brings fun into the game and lasting appeal but that's what makes the fun. I have to say the game is amazing in its one special game that can capture you. Of course the game brings its fun with the multiple amounts of races and odd story it gives you something to do in your spare time. The game is of course is one of the best free downloadable games out there and I would recommend you getting it. All you need is 1 gigabyte to download and then play your heart out. Even though the flaws can be very irritable you can ignore all except the required experience points so that's why this games gets a


Friday, November 9, 2007

KartRider Review

The old days of kart racing. You know what I'm talking about the Mario kart racing games. Well Nexon decided to give this genre a try and well the results well that will be for later. Let me explain KartRider is a racing game with cartoon like styles as you'll see. The game consists of mostly multiplayer but a very unique multiplayer. They haven't developed KartRider that much since it is still in beta form but it still has a long way to go.

First is multiplayer the game has most of the basics. You are allowed to have a race using two types: speed or item. Speed is really just racing without items. There is drifting but it isn't useful because it is not controlled so it doesn't help. Speed is cool but it could be improved. Item mode is of course has to do with items. The items are of course fun give this game a pickup and play feel. Those two types are divided farther into single and team, but those are pretty self explanatory.

Scenario is the next mode but it feels odd with racing. You have a small cut scene followed by a race. The races can be easy but start getting increasingly hard later in the game. The game uses multiplayer too but you are forced to do it. In some ways that can get very annoying again and again.

There are extra modes like license where you are able to get licenses those are easy to get because there are more like it. The game also provides shopping where you shop for a lot of stuff. You can also give gifts for other buddies. Garage is amazing as it is like a lounge. You see your friends and relax too. Again that is one of the many qualities of multiplayer.

Time trial is the last subject on this review. It includes courses that aren't in multiplayer. This includes a complex city based track. There hasn't been any reason for this. The problem is that it does not have a ranking based system. There isn't a lot of motive to this game besides race.

Over all the game has some amazing stuff but again is lacking in others. The game could be in single player but it does have some amazing features for a free game so that is why I give it a


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

new...blogger or something

hey, i am somewhat excited to be with this group. I sorta have the easiest job but i will be sure to find awesome games. :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

major change

Following the review I am changing a couple of thing first the heading then the website adress so people I shall be changing in a while so update your bookmarks

Sunday, October 28, 2007

big BIG news

I've decided to do reviews every week using the powe of fraps and the power of other stuff I shall do FREE games. Let me give you an example. Go to nexon and you will find three games the first I'm going to review is nexon see you next week with my review on friday

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Youtube users

Well this where I linked you to so here is the paragraph

I realized that if you go to a website ( look at the intermission after chapter 6 you will realize how Mario gets that much attack power but it is risky. so I would not do it if I were you but you could still try I'll post this on the chapter 8 parts again I recommend you don't do it but if you want to you can. By the Way don't email to him he probably doesn't know English seeing how he misspelled chapter and that every time you look at his summary you see the word para instead of for and also you look at his channel and you WILL see that he is from Brazil. again the website is say thanks to Kimi12715 for giving me that tiny hint about speed demos. By the way I bought paper Mario: the thousand year door from Nintendo world visit that place if you can. Hope that answers your questions.
Sorry about the long paragraph but there you go!